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Investigator Who Spent Last Seven Years Fighting Imposters Also Still Fights Imposter Syndrome


Special Investigator Nolan Thomas has been busting fraud schemes for the last seven years. Starting as a fraud analyst, he found he had a knack for knocking out fraud’s front teeth. He then went into investigations; success there too! The guy was promoted to a Special Investigator role and has progressed even further in his career.

Nolan has busted million-dollar rings. He can spot a stolen or fake identity from a mile away. He's worked with law enforcement to bring some bad people to justice. The schemers and imposters don't stand a chance. And yet, after all this, Nolan sometimes feels like an imposter himself.

“It comes and goes. But when it hits, I feel out of place. Like I don’t belong,” Nolan reflects.

Imposter syndrome is a psychological term describing a feeling of doubt related to one's identity. The person doubts their authenticity related to who they are, in this case Nolan's profession as a fraud fighter.

While Nolan is well trained, educated, and experienced, he sometimes feels like a novice at what he does. This makes him feel inadequate, which can sometimes lead to an overcompensation to work himself harder. It can also lead to perfectionism, anxiety, burnout, and depression. He is his biggest critic.

Nolan is not an imposter, phony or fraud. He is a fantastic professional who is committed to his career. He is an expert at what he does. There are multiple resources to help Nolan with addressing imposter syndrome. Various websites detail the experience that others feel with imposter syndrome, adding helpful tips. Beyond that, counseling is another resource that could benefit this Special Investigator.

To all the Nolans out there in Fraud, Cyber, and Financial Crimes fields, know that you are valuable, and you belong.


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